Crystal names and types and general information 



Here is a list of 100 popular crystals used in crystal healing . 

Amethyst | Rose Quartz | Clear Quartz | Citrine | Black Tourmaline | Hematite | Selenite | Lapis Lazuli | Carnelian | Fluorite | Aventurine | Tiger's Eye | Moonstone | Smoky Quartz | Obsidian | Malachite | Labradorite | Jade | Pyrite | Amazonite | Aquamarine | Turquoise | Rhodonite | Rhodochrosite | Celestite | Garnet | Opal | Sunstone | Howlite | Agate | Jasper | Peridot | Prehnite | Kunzite | Sugilite | Chrysocolla | Petrified Wood | Moss Agate | Blue Lace Agate | Angelite | Blue Calcite | Green Calcite | Orange Calcite | Rhodolite Garnet | Tourmaline Quartz | Ruby | Sapphire | Emerald | Pyrite | Citrine Amethyst

Herkimer Diamond | Chrysoprase | Chalcedony | Angel Aura Quartz | Black Onyx | Blue Topaz | Carnelian Agate | Dalmatian Jasper | Golden Tiger's Eye | Green Aventurine | Hematite Quartz | Hiddenite | Iolite | Kyanite | Larimar | Lemurian Quartz | Moldavite | Ocean Jasper | Pink Tourmaline | Quantum Quattro Silica | Red Jasper | Rhodonite | Rutilated Quartz | Shungite | Snowflake Obsidian | Spirit Quartz | Stilbite | Sugilite | Tektite | Thulite | Tibetan Quartz | Topaz | Tourmalinated Quartz | Tree Agate | Turritella Agate | Unakite | Vanadinite | Vesuvianite | Watermelon Tourmaline | White Agate | Yellow Jasper | Zebra Jasper | Apache Tear | Blue Aragonite | Blue Kyanite | Blue Tiger's Eye | Bronzite | Charoite | Covellite | Diamond


Where do we get our crystals 

Crystals are mined all over the world, as they can be found in various geological formations and environments. Some regions are particularly well-known for their abundance of crystals and gemstones. Here are a few notable locations:

๐ŸŒŽ Brazil: Brazil is one of the largest producers and exporters of crystals and gemstones in the world. It is known for producing a wide variety of crystals, including amethyst, quartz, citrine, and tourmaline.

๐ŸŒŽ Madagascar: Madagascar is renowned for its diverse array of gemstones and crystals, including rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, and sapphires.

๐ŸŒ  India: India has a long history of mining and trading gemstones and crystals. It is known for producing various types of crystals, including clear quartz, amethyst, and citrine.

๐ŸŒ  Africa: Several countries in Africa, such as Zambia, Tanzania, and South Africa, are significant producers of crystals and gemstones. Africa is known for its production of emeralds, tourmaline, garnets, and other crystals.

๐ŸŒŽ United States: The United States has several notable crystal mining locations, including Arkansas, Colorado, and California. Arkansas, in particular, is famous for its quartz crystals.

๐ŸŒŽ Australia: Australia is known for producing opals, as well as other crystals and gemstones such as sapphires, diamonds, and agates.


The science bit 

Crystals are formed through the process of crystallization, which occurs when atoms or molecules arrange themselves in a repeating pattern to form a solid structure with flat surfaces known as crystal faces. This process typically happens in environments where there is a sufficient concentration of dissolved minerals and appropriate conditions for crystal growth, such as high pressure and temperature changes. As molten rock cools, or as mineral-rich solutions evaporate or undergo precipitation, crystals gradually form over time. This natural process results in the creation of a wide variety of crystalline structures, each with its own unique properties and characteristics, which are believed by some to have therapeutic benefits in crystal healing practices.