Rainbow arts and poems 


Discover breathtaking color art designed to inspire and uplift, crafted with channeled energy to evoke spiritual connection. Immerse yourself in the frequency of color and meaning through our channeled words. For daily doses of stunning rainbow art and inspired poetry, visit us on Instagram via the link below

( my arts are subject to copyright , visit our Free download page for wallpapers, any other arts on this page may be used if permission is asked first )


In hues divine, she blooms, a radiant soul
Awakening to whispers from realms untold
With grace she dances, in the light's embrace
A symphony of colors, her spirit finds its place

Through storms endured, she emerges, reborn
A masterpiece of strength, from dusk to dawn
Each hue a tale of trials overcome
Her journey's essence, forever sung

In every stroke, a prayer unfurls
A testament to the divine, within her world
Oh, rainbow spirit, shine bright and true
In your awakening, may we find renewal too.

Your energy is your frequency of life,
A spectrum of colors, through joy and strife.
In every hue, a lesson to learn,
In every shade, a chance to discern.

Like rays of sunlight, through morning mist,
Your spirit shines, in colors kissed.
From indigo depths to vibrant greens,
Each hue reveals, what the soul deems.

In the palette of existence, you paint your way,
With every brushstroke, a brighter day.
Through crimson passion and azure calm,
You find the essence of your inner psalm.

With positivity as your guiding light,
You journey onward, through day and night.
Through amber sunsets and sapphire seas,
You unlock the secrets of inner peace.

So embrace your colors, let them shine,
For in their brilliance, you'll align.
With spiritual growth, in every hue,
You'll find the beauty in being true.